Wisdom Tooth Extractions Worcester

Getting Rid of Your Third Molars Safely & Simply

Young woman holding her cheek in pain before wisdom tooth extractions in Worcester

You’ve likely heard of wisdom teeth if you’re in your teen or adult years. These “third molars” erupt later than any other type of tooth. Still, it turns out such teeth often aren’t “wise” at all. Many of them must be removed when they start to emerge. They’ll put your oral health at grave risk otherwise. Fortunately, our dental office offers wisdom tooth extractions in Worcester. Just keep reading to find out how they work or learn about our other services at a consultation visit.

Why Choose Burncoat Family Dental for Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

  • Welcoming & Inviting Dental Team
  • State-of-the-Art Dental Technology
  • Dental Insurance Welcome

The Wisdom Tooth Extraction Process

Young dental patient having her wisdom tooth extracted

Given the patient's needs, wisdom tooth extraction is simple or complex. The exact process it follows will depend on the affected teeth. For instance, a wisdom tooth that’s fairly exposed only needs a simple extraction. This kind uses dental forceps and an elevator to lift the structure from its socket. In contrast, an impacted wisdom tooth will require a complex extraction. The latter has a dentist break the tooth into several pieces and remove it in sections to avoid further damage to the underlying bone.