Root Canal Treatment Worcester

Tooth Pain? Let Us Help

Young woman in dental chair receiving root canal treatment in Worcester

Certainly, it’s only right to see cavities as bad. These holes in your teeth weaken your grin, cause pain, and distort your looks. Regardless, such decay can lead to a more severe problem. It may allow microbes to reach a tooth’s pulp and cause an infection. You’d then be at risk of losing said tooth. To help, we at Burncoat Family Dental can provide you with root canal treatment in Worcester. Please learn more by reading below or by booking a consultation.

Why Choose Burncoat Family Dental for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Certified Endodontist On Staff
  • Same-Day Visits Available
  • Non-Judgmental Dental Team

What Happens During a Root Canal?

Illustrated dental instrument treating the inside of a tooth

The standard root canal occurs over one to two dental visits. For the first, our dentists use special tools to reach a tooth’s inner chambers. We’ll then remove the infected pulp from this interior. At the follow-up visit, we’ll sanitize the space and apply a resin filling. Our dental team finishes by sealing the tooth and placing a dental crown over it. When it’s set, this crown will protect your pearly white from further decay and let you avoid an extraction treatment.