Porcelain Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are an increasingly popular dental treatment that involves a thin tooth-colored shell that is custom-fit and bonded to the existing surface of a tooth. While designed to look natural, these shells, which are typically made of materials including porcelain and composite, and can both improve dental appearances and better protect existing teeth. Depending on the material used, veneers can last up to 15 years, and patients most commonly have as many as five-ten veneers fitted at a time to ensure the best possible results. Reasons for veneers are most often aesthetic, and commonly include –

  • The treatment of chipped or broken teeth
  • Hiding severe discoloration
  • Lengthening small teeth
  • Reducing the appearance of crooked teeth
  • Etc.

If you’re interested in finding out how dental veneers could improve your smile, then don’t hesitate to contact our experts here at Burncoat Family Dental to find out precisely what this treatment option has to offer.

What are the benefits of dental veneers?

Our dental team will talk to you about the benefits of veneers for your specific requirements during your appointment, but benefits that patients often cite after veneer treatment include – 

  • Cosmetic enhancement
  • Effective whitening
  • Natural finish
  • Non-invasive treatment
  • Stronger teeth
  • And more

What are the different types of veneers?

Different materials can be used in the construction of dental veneers, meaning that it’s also important to consider the different types of veneers before seeking treatment. The best possible option typically depends on everything from the color of your teeth to the price you’re willing to pay, and our dental experts will talk you through these details during your appointment. Generally speaking, however, the most popular types of dental veneers include –

  • Porcelain veneers: Porcelain veneers tend to be the most popular option as they last for up to 10-15 years and resist stains better than many other materials. Minimal preparation is also necessary for the successful fitting of porcelain shells, though your dentist may begin by grinding down your teeth before taking impressions. CAD/CAM technology can also be used in the effective design of porcelain veneers.


  • Composite resin veneers: Composite veneers offer a same-day treatment option that is typically cheaper than porcelain options, though tends to last a shorter time of around 5-7 years. In this instance, your dentist will etch the surface of your tooth before applying composite directly and hardening with a specialized light. More than one layer of composite may be necessary to achieve your desired finish.

What does veneer treatment involve?

The simple and non-invasive nature of dental veneers plays a large part in their popularity, While treatment may vary depending on the number of veneers and the material that best suits your needs, our experts will ensure your comfort at every stage of the treatment journey, which will likely involve – 

  • A preliminary dental exam and assessment
  • Preparations including the removal of enamel and impression taking
  • Veneer placement, which may include adjustments, cleaning, and polishing
  • Bonding
  • Follow up appointments may be necessary in a few weeks


Areas of Expertise

General Dentistry

Dental exams are an important part of your total health care. Our general dentistry covers exams, cleanings, fillings and more.

specialty Dentistry

Implants, Bridges, Crowns, Periodontics and extractions all play a role in maintaining oral hygiene and health.

Cosmetic Dentistry

From teeth whitening to Invisalign, we help bring smiles to folks throughout Worcester, Grafton and surrounding areas.

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