Dental Implants

Tooth loss or dental extraction can put your dental health at risk. A dental gap can significantly weaken your jawbone structure and gum, increasing the risk of further tooth loss. 

At Burncoat Family Dental practice, we always recommend considering dental implants to preserve oral health and dental hygiene. Indeed, dental implants fill the gap left by a missing tooth, giving you the confidence to smile again. But they also play an essential role in protecting the surrounding teeth and restoring your ability to chew comfortably. 

Dental implants are made of titanium, which means they are designed to be compatible with the human body and extremely strong. When you receive a dental implant, the titanium screw is inserted into the jawbone to protect the integrity of the bone structure like metal tooth roots. Once inserted, the screw becomes an orthodontic anchor for the dental implant.  

We often suggest dental implants to our patients who are missing one or more teeth. Indeed, they can be used for dental replacement for a single tooth up to a full dental prosthesis. The screw procedure makes dental implants a more durable and sturdy option for those considering partial dentures. 

If you are considering a dental implant or wondering if it could preserve your dental health, our team is at your service at Burncoat Family Dental practice, 363 Burncoat St, Worcester, MA. You can also call us to book an appointment at (508) 852-0168

How does the dental implant procedure work?

Our team at Burncoat Family Dental appreciates that many people can be anxious about dental implants. However, we are committed to creating a safe, pain-free, and reassuring environment at our practice. We work extensively with state of the art dentistry technology and dental dentistry equipment to ensure high precision and care throughout all procedures. 

Not everyone will require a dental implant for a missing tooth. A first examination will determine the number of missing teeth, their position, and your overall dental health. We will also consider whether you need to proceed to a tooth extraction to enable the implant. 

We will help you prepare for the surgical procedure with pre-op management instructions if dental implants are necessary. These are designed to reduce risks and improve the chances of success, and they often include antibiotic therapy and antiseptic mouthwash rinsing. 

We also inform our patients about the full duration of the process. It typically takes between 6 and 9 months for dental implants to be finalized. This is to ensure the gum and jawbone are fully healed. The idea is that the titanium screw can improve the integrity of the jawbone structure and strength of the gum. Therefore, it is essential to wait until the area is entirely healed to proceed with the addition of the crown. 

Dental Implants – Phase 1

The first phase focuses on inserting the titanium screw inside the bone structure. The procedure is painless through the use of local anesthesia, which numbs the area before the implant. We can also use IV sedation for patients who have severe dental anxiety or are allergic to the numbing agent. 

Your dentist proceeds with an incision through the gum at the location where the implant will be placed. The incision exposes the jawbone for drilling. We use a specifically designed drill to mark the spot where the titanium screw of the implant will be inserted into the bone. 

The screw is inserted into the jawbone. It is important to leave the screw during the whole duration of the healing process. Indeed, the bone and the gum will grow back around the screw to solidify the structure. The gums are stitched over the implant at the end of the procedure. 

Dental Implants – Phase 2

The patient needs to wait several months to ensure the healing process is complete. Everyone has a different healing pace. However, most people will be ready to move to phase 2 within 6 to 9 months. 

You will be fitted with the upper end of the dental implant, the crown, during this stage. The dentist takes an impression of your teeth, using an extension placed over the implant to make the crown. The process can require multiple dental appointments to check both the healing and the progress of the impressions. 

Once the tooth part of the implant is ready and made to fit inside your mouth, it is placed on the titanium screw. Dental implants are invisible because they are designed to match the shape and color of your existing teeth. 

We ensure that you understand how to care for and maintain your dental implant and crown. Brushing and flossing remain necessary, even when you have an implant. Additionally, we recommend keeping up to date with your dental appointments and cleaning. 

Areas of Expertise

General Dentistry

Dental exams are an important part of your total health care. Our general dentistry covers exams, cleanings, fillings and more.

specialty Dentistry

Implants, Bridges, Crowns, Periodontics and extractions all play a role in maintaining oral hygiene and health.

Cosmetic Dentistry

From teeth whitening to Invisalign, we help bring smiles to folks throughout Worcester, Grafton and surrounding areas.

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