Dental Bridges

You might have heard of dental bridges if you are missing one tooth or more. A tooth gap can have dramatic consequences for your dental health. Indeed, it can put remaining teeth at risk by fragilizing the gum and jawbone structure that hold them. Additionally, gaps make it uncomfortable to chew and even to speak. So, at Burncoat Family Dental practice, we can recommend three types of bridges to our patients:

  • Traditional bridge
  • Cantilever bridge
  • Maryland bridge


Traditional bridges tend to be more affordable than a Maryland or Cantilever bridge. Price-wise, the choice of material, the number of bridges, the complexity of the procedure, and your dental health will affect the cost. Our team of experts always makes sure you fully understand the pros and cons of all options before making a decision. 

Why do we recommend dental bridges?

Unfortunately, when you have a gap, the remaining teeth tend to shift from their position toward the gap naturally. The process can cover the gap, but it also affects your teeth and can even loosen them. At Burncoat Family Dental, our team’s top priority is to preserve your teeth. Therefore, we often recommend dental bridges to prevent further tooth loss. 

Missing teeth also change your facial structure. Your face can gradually appear hollow as the gap removes volume in the cheeks. This can transform your appearance dramatically. 

Depending on the position of the gap, you might find it difficult to chew properly. Some people are forced to adapt their diet because of missing teeth. Unfortunately, when your diet is affected, you can lose weight rapidly, which can weaken your gum and jawbone. Dental bridges can prevent chewing problems. 

Your teeth play a huge role in your self-esteem. Smiling and interacting with other people expose your teeth. However, when you don’t feel confident about your smile, you are more likely to self-isolate and create a favorable terrain for depression. We strongly believe that dental bridges can give you back your smile and help you find your self-confidence. Dental health is tightly connected to mental health. Our team is committed to helping you unlock your best life with the best possible smile. 

Missing teeth can lead to minor speech impediments. They can make it hard to form some sounds and alter the way you speak. We appreciate the role dental health plays in communication. That’s why we often recommend dental bridges to help maintain your mouth shape and speech ability. 

What happens when your dentist recommends dental bridges?

Receiving a dental bridge requires multiple appointments. However, the process is quick, painless, and effective. 

During your first appointment, we will discuss the abutment teeth. Essentially, abutment teeth are the adjacent teeth that will support the dental bridge. To ensure they are fit for purpose, a dentistry doctor proceeds with recontouring them. Recontouring means that we need to remove some of the enamel on the teeth to create room for the crowns. A protective bridge is temporarily placed to protect the abutment teeth. 

We also take an impression of your teeth to ensure the crowns, bridge, and pontics will be made to fit the size and shape of your mouth. 

It takes only a few days in a dental lab to create the permanent bridge. We will place it during your second appointment and adjust it for comfort and function with temporary cement. It typically takes a few weeks to check the fit and ensure the bridge is comfortable, after which we use permanent adhesive. 

How to take care of your dental bridge

Once the bridge is fitted, it is natural for your bite and speech to feel uncomfortable. More often than not, people get used to the gap in their mouths and need to readjust their chewing and speaking habits. We ensure you have plenty of time to adjust the bridge and get familiar with it before fitting it permanently. 

Dental bridges are easy to maintain, and you can brush them clean as you would with your natural teeth. We recommend maintaining your brushing and flossing routine. As they feel natural in the mouth, they do not affect your day to day routine. It is a good idea to keep up to date with dental appointments, checks, and a professional cleaning to preserve your dental health and your bridge. 

Dental bridges can last for a long time, between 5 and 15 years, depending on your maintenance regime and the type of bridge. 

Do you need to fill a tooth gap? Get in touch with our specialists at Burncoat Family Dental, 363 Burncoat St, Worcester, MA. Alternatively, you can call us at (508) 852-0168.

Areas of Expertise

General Dentistry

Dental exams are an important part of your total health care. Our general dentistry covers exams, cleanings, fillings and more.

specialty Dentistry

Implants, Bridges, Crowns, Periodontics and extractions all play a role in maintaining oral hygiene and health.

Cosmetic Dentistry

From teeth whitening to Invisalign, we help bring smiles to folks throughout Worcester, Grafton and surrounding areas.

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