What is a Dental Emergency?

March 8, 2023

Usually, it’s quite easy to tell when you’re having a medical emergency, as the symptoms will often be very alarming – but that’s not always the case when it comes to dental emergencies. You might dismiss pain in your mouth as something non-threatening, but the truth is dental emergencies can be very dangerous, and they need to be treated as soon as possible.

If you’re going to identify a dental health emergency, you need to know what the symptoms are, and while it can be quite painful; that won’t always be how you can identify it. What’s most important is making sure you’re getting the care you need when you need it, or else your problem could get much worse and put your health at risk.

Possible symptoms

If you’re experiencing any odd or concerning symptoms in your mouth, you should always check to make sure what you’re experiencing is safe, or else seek care. The reason it’s not easy to identify these symptoms is that the issue may only start out as minor, and slowly develop into something much worse – so slight discomfort could be a sign that there’s an underlying condition that needs treatment. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, visit Burncoat Dental for a consultation.

  • Gum tenderness
  • Loose teeth
  • Abscess tooth
  • Bleeding inside the mouth
  • Gum pain
  • Tooth pain

While these symptoms aren’t exclusive to emergencies, there’s no way to identify the cause of them without a dental professional, so you should have it treated as soon as possible. You may need antibiotics, restoration, a tooth extraction, or otherwise.

Going without treatment can lead to the potential spread of infection, permanent tooth or gum damage, or even tooth loss. Again, that won’t always be the case if you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, but it’s always best to make sure your dental health is in check, rather than leaving it to chance.

Dental emergencies

Of course, every dental emergency has a name, some are more common than others, and it would help you to look out for your dental health if you knew a little more about them. 

Gum inflammation

Something that’s quite easy to ignore is gum inflammation. If you’ve got soreness in your mouth, you might not think too much of it at first, while you hope for it to pass. The problem is, gum inflammation symptoms can get much worse over time, and you may experience things like severe toothache, swelling, and heightened sensitivity to temperature. 

There are a number of different reasons you may be experiencing gum inflammation, one of which is improper dental hygiene. Letting plaque build up too much, as well as bacteria. The build-up can cause a lot of irritation in your mouth, leading it to swell and become inflamed. This can also lead to bleeding in your mouth.

Tooth abscess

If bacteria manages to enter your tooth due to damage or decay, it can infect the tooth pulp. This usually only happens in extreme cases, but the condition itself is quite common. At first, you’ll experience tooth pain, but over time the pain can get worse, and if it’s not treated quickly – you could lose the infected tooth. Seeing your dentist can ensure you get the necessary treatment to prevent tooth loss.

A lack of dental care can lead to severe decay of the tooth and will leave you open to this type of infection.

Broken tooth

One of the more noticeable emergencies is a break or a broken tooth. If you cracked, chipped, or broke your tooth, it’s something that you should get immediate care for. Not only does it need to be treated, but the sharp edges of your broken tooth could cause further damage to the inside of your mouth.

As well as the tooth is broken, the inside of your tooth will be exposed to bacteria, which can lead to an infection. Overall, this is a condition that needs to be treated as soon as possible, and the damaged part of your tooth will need to be replaced.


Pericoronitis is a fairly common emergency to experience, as it can develop as a result of your wisdom tooth or teeth developing. As the tooth pushes through the gums, it can cause an infection due to the new exposure to bacteria. This can cause inflammation, tenderness, and swelling. Visit Burncoat Family Dental as soon as possible so that you can be prescribed antibiotics and possibly have gum tissue removed.